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Connecting with Eliza

*Aiming to aspire to inspire as I chat to others, picking their brains, exploring their gifts and practices.

 All posts are raw & unedited because f**k none of us are perfect & it is time to celebrate that - I'm here for the honest & real, you?

Who are you?

Who am I? Why does this always feel like such a hard question, lol. I’m Eliza, but I like to be called Lize. I am your average girl who grew up on the Central Coast of NSW. I’m 25 but i feel like I'm still 20…One year ago, I thought to stop giving a F**k and start posting aimlessly/ somewhat consistently on TikTok. On a whim, I began to gain a following and am fortunate enough to say that content creation is now a side business, and I get to work with some of my favourite brands!

What sets your soul on fire?

Nothing sets my soul on fire more than experiencing other countries' foods and cultures. Travelling is so eye-opening, and I am very fortunate to be able to do it regularly. Also, cooking. Get me in the kitchen. It's like therapy to me. 

What environmental or conscious traits do you practice?

Shopping sustainably (as much as I can) and being mindful of the use of racist/ derogatory language etc etc. 

I do think shopping sustainably 100% of the time is unrealistic as shit these days is expensiveeee. I try to buy second-hand from op shops and depop and buy good quality clothes that I know will be in my wardrobe for years. I still have a lot of learning to do in this area, but it's so important to support small ethical businesses, support humanitarian working environments and reduce global emissions and waste as much as you possibly can within your means.

Growing up Malaysian and living in a small town comes with a lot of people and 'friends' who are very prejudiced, discriminatory, and or antagonistic towards different demographics. I never used to stand up for what was right; however, the older I get, the better I get at pulling people up on what they say. I am very conscious of the words and phrases I use, as I never want to trigger or offend someone.

What do you wish you could have told your teenage self?

You can’t please everyone. The people who are meant to be in your life will support you no matter what. Surround yourself with people who are honest with you. 

What is something most people don't know about you?

I am ½ Malaysian (people are always so shocked when I tell them). I am also one of the shyest people you will ever meet. Some people think I’m rude when they first meet me but it's really just the fact that I don't know how to speak to people unless I'm extremely comfortable around them. I'm usually twitching my leg, twirling my hair or squeezing my hands to try and ease my social anxiety. Slowly working on that though, exposure therapy works lol. 

What nourishes you?

The beach, being outside, reading books and spending time by myself to recharge. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Teleporting, get me sipping an aperol in Greece without having to travel 24 hours to get there. 

What is your favourite book?

I really like Em Ratajkowski's book ‘My Body’. I think most women can relate to some of her experiences.

Currently, how is your relationship to yourself? How is this different to a year ago?

Loving yourself is hard. Like everyone, my relationship with myself is up and down, and I struggle with my body image, what is my purpose, anxiety, etc etc as much as the next person. I am in a very different place from 1 year ago. I had just left a four-year relationship. I moved to Melbourne for him; my only friends were his friends. When we broke up, I felt I had no identity; I only knew myself with him and in his environment. I neglected my friendships from home and felt so isolated. It has taken me a while, but I am finally in a place where I feel like I am my own person, I have my own goals, and I’m not relying on a significant other purely for my happiness.

All I can say is, therapy helps and GTF outside. 


What do you enjoy most about content creating? 

I honestly just love people taking inspiration from what I wear. I personally love watching other creators and taking inspiration from them, so it makes me feel good that people are doing the same to me. 

I want to start sharing more of my personality online (daunting), and hopefully, people can gain something from watching me, whether that is fashion, traveling, life experience, etc.

What do you miss most about Melbourne and love most about Newy?

Because the weather is trash in Melbourne, they have had to give it more personality. The bars, food and street life is unmatched. I also miss the fashion; Melbourne definitely taught me a lot about how to dress. 

What I miss the most is my bestie Emily, I wish I could ship her over to NSW hehe.

I love how slow paced Newcastle is. Also the weather!! I did not need to wear my puffer jacket once all winter.


What is your go to item in your wardrobe? 

My go to item is a nice pair or suit pants, my current fave is the Boston tailored pants from Camilla and Marc and any tank from All Things Golden.

Who would be your dream brand to collaborate with? 

Paloma Wool and Acne Studios! I would actually have savings in my account if I was on their PR list :’)

What other fields of work or passion do you do? Or have done? 

I’m currently working in finance which I don't enjoy. The goal is for my only source of income to be working for myself.

Connect with Eliza:

In Supplement to her sharing, Lize has created a curation of dreamy items via our pinterest. <3

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