*We aim to aspire to inspire as we chat to others, picking their brains, exploring their gifts and practices.
All posts are raw & unedited because f**k none of us are perfect & it is time to celebrate that - I'm here for the honest & real, you?

Who is Elle?
Well, just like everyone else, I am universal light experiencing life as a human being. Layered On top of that, the things that make me, ‘me’ include being a woman, a loyal friend, a devoted partner and lover, a sister, a daughter, a granddaughter. I’m an optimistic, romantic, curious, solution driven, hardworking and agile creator, an ex-dancer, sometimes Pilates teacher, writer, content strategist and operations manager. For those playing along at home, I’m also a Projector and Scorpio Sun with a Pisces Moon and Aquarius Rising 💫
A song or movie to represent your life.
The song to I feel really represents my life is ‘Beautiful’ by India Arie (I’ve included it as the last song on the playlist I made for you too).
What sets your soul on fire?
I feel a deep gratitude and connection to life whenever I Witness true kindness, compassion, beauty, authenticity, innovation and creative expression. Likewise, I feel deep contentment and inner peace - and therefore, infinite expansion - when I’m in the company of the people I love most and who love, understand, accept and celebrate me for all that I am. I guess the simple answer is when I feel most alive when I am connected - connected to others, to nature, to creation and to life ❤️
How do you share your gift with others?
I hope that in my own way, I help others to feel seen, validated and less alone. Through my work, I hope to bring being together and to support them however I can in the realisation of their vision. I’m a very organised person and think I can see things from a macro point of view, appreciate all the work parts and how they interplay with each other, to then provide my team and clients with the clarity and meaningful next steps to get closer to their long-term goals. It is my hope that I do this in a way that is uplifting and as positive as possible for everyone.
What environmental or conscious traits do you practice?
I try to avoid excess of any kind and to be considered about the things I consume and how I consume them. I purchase most things secondhand when appropriate and possible. I also feel aware of my own impact on things. Not just the environment, but other people and the spaces in which I take up space. Whilst honouring myself as much as possible, I hope to tred lightly, ideally, to leave people and places better off than when I found them.
What was your journey to making your passion your everyday?
Necessity, grit, determination, often times confusion and fear, but mostly an optimistic, curious, grateful and open heart.

Being constantly creative, how do you balance?
In all honesty, I’m just not sure that I do! The best advice I try to defer to is the Picasso (? I think) quote ‘when inspiration comes, let it find me working.’
Everyday, I try to achieve something, no matter how small, whether I’m feeling it or not. Showing up for ourselves and our work is the hardest part in my opinion. If we can do that in some way everyday, we’re going in the right direction.
Advice for anyone wanting to start in your field.
Start where you are, use what you have, trust yourself more and ask for help when you need it.
Who do you admire?
I admire my friends, my partner and professional peers. I admire the qualities of kindness, resilience, generosity of spirit, patience and humble determination.
You can meet someone from any time era and ask them 2 questions. Who is it? And what would it be?
I choose Beyoncé and I would ask her:
1. Can you please teach a dance class for me to your own music?
2. Can I bring all my friends?
What are your rituals to get you in the zone?
I thrive best with a calm, tidy and ambient space to focus, problem solve and create. Music is hugely resourceful for me as is beauty and scent. I’ll put on some tunes, light a candle, incense or some French burning paper as make sure I can see something beautiful around me, then I’m pretty unstoppable :)
Advice for someone if your field / advice you wish you had known?
Remember that responses to creative output and art are largely subjective. Please don’t measure yourself on other peoples scales for success.
Thank you Elle.
Journal prompts inspired by this chat.
* How do you share your gifts with others? What impact do you hope to have on those around you?
* What conscious traits do you practice in your daily life? How do you try to minimise your impact on the environment and those around you?
* Reflect on your journey to making your passion your everyday. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
Find Elle's chat in our latest volume.